Global Health University: Excellence in Global Health Education
Unite For Sight is a nonprofit organization committed to excellence in global health. Unite For Sight's Global Health University is designed to develop and nurture current and future global health leaders. Global Health University helps to effect widespread innovative change in global health through comprehensive Global Health Idea Lab virtual panels, Global Health Certificate Programs, webinars and training workshops, social enterprise consulting, and internship and fellowship opportunities in the U.S. and abroad.
You may enroll in any of the certificate programs by clicking here.
Complete details about each certificate program are included below.
Certificate in Global Health
The Certificate in Global Health is designed for those interested in learning about the fundamentals of quality global health delivery. Participants gain a comprehensive understanding about best practices in global health and the complexities of global health delivery. While gaining essential practical skills in global health delivery, participants learn about interpersonal communication in the health setting, metrics, and how to deliver quality healthcare programs. Participants develop the capacity to evaluate, implement, support, and design global health delivery programs.
Certificate in Cultural Competency
The Certificate in Cultural Competency is designed for those participating in an international setting. Participants gain a comprehensive understanding about cultural competency and cultural awareness in the international setting. The course material explores language barriers, how to work with translators, cultural differences and cultural understanding, trust, and ethics and professionalism while working in an international setting.
Certificate in Global Health Practice
The Certificate in Global Health Practice prepares students and professionals who will be involved in healthcare delivery in a resource-poor location. Participants gain a comprehensive understanding about the complexities of global health delivery, and they learn about the theory and practices of global health in order to maximize contributions to global health field experiences. Participants also learn about cultural competency, cultural awareness, and ethics and professionalism while working in an international setting.
Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship
The Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship is designed for those interested in learning about social entrepreneurship, innovation, and successful strategies in scaling ideas. Participants learn about the complexities of global health and the ethics of innovation, while also learning about the theory and practices of social entrepreneurship. This certificate prepares participants to address global health challenges through novel social entrepreneurship approaches.
Certificate in Global Health Research
The Certificate in Global Health Research is essential for anyone interested in or involved with public health research. The certificate equips students and professionals with analytical skills and important research strategies that ensure quality design and implementation of a field-based research study. Participants learn how to design and implement a quality global health-focused research study, and there is a considerable focus on how to avoid common pitfalls in public health research. The course material also explores the important ethical issues surrounding global health research.
Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation
The Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation is designed to highlight the importance of outcomes and impact in global health interventions. Participants learn about disease surveillance and evaluation of impact in public health programs, in order to ensure that innovations work towards positive change.
Certificate in Global Health Technology
The Certificate in Global Health Technology is designed for those interested in learning about the steps and challenges involved in designing and implementing technology to improve public health. Participants learn about this process in a methodical way, from the brainstorming phase and determining a challenge to address, to the point of scaling up technology.
Certificate in Global Health Education Strategies
The Certificate in Health Education Strategies is designed for those interested in or involved with health education programs. Participants learn about the complexities and realities of health education and health promotion, while also exploring common cultural, religious, language, and social barriers that impede health education. The course material also explores school-based health interventions, peer-to-peer health education programs, as well as culturally-specific visual communication tools that enhance health understanding and improve health outcomes.
Certificate in Responsible NGO Management
The Certificate in Responsible NGO Management is designed for those involved with or leading an NGO. Participants gain a comprehensive understanding about program development, partnerships, and measuring results. The course material also explores innovative funding models, transparency, accountability, and management ethics. Participants also examine critical strategies in human resource management, branding, and marketing.
Certificate in Effective Program Development
The Certificate in Effective Program Development provides a comprehensive understanding about program development, outcomes, and evidence-based program design. Participants learn about effective strategies for program development, metrics, and impact.
Certificate in Public Health Management
The Certificate in Public Health Management provides a comprehensive understanding about public health management, partnerships, and measuring results. Participants learn about community-level challenges in global health delivery, and the course material also explores how to use data in public health delivery.
Certificate in Maternal and Child Health
The Certificate in Maternal and Child Health is designed for those interested in learning about the complexities of global health and the unique barriers to healthcare that face women and children. Participants gain a comprehensive understanding about issues in maternal and child survival, and also learn about innovations in healthcare for women and children.
Certificate in Refugee Health
The Certificate in Refugee Health provides a comprehensive understanding about patient barriers to care, innovations in healthcare, and education for those in refugee camps as well as for resettled refugees. Participants learn about refugee camp economies, local social entrepreneurship, and cross-cultural understanding.
Certificate in Urban Health
The Certificate in Urban Health is designed to teach participants about the unique challenges relating to public health in urban areas. Participants learn about water, sanitation, air pollution, and other concepts relating to urban health.
Certificate in Community Development
The Certificate in Community Development offers a comprehensive understanding about best practices and strategies in community development, including Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). Participants learn about the complexities of community development, as well as the theory, history, and practices of community development.
Certificate in Social Marketing and Entrepreneurship
The Certificate in Social Marketing and Entrepreneurship provides a comprehensive understanding about spending practices at the Base of the Pyramid. Participants learn about innovation, entrepreneurship, management, social marketing, and social mobilization in developing countries.
Certificate in Community Eye Health
The Certificate in Community Eye Health is designed for those interested or involved with eye care delivery programs. Participants learn about best practices in global health and community eye health. The course material explores medication management, measuring outcomes, metrics, and quality healthcare delivery.
Certificate in Environmental Health
The Certificate in Environmental Health provides participants with a comprehensive understanding about environmental health, including innovation and social entrepreneurship strategies in environmental health.
Certificate in Nutrition, Food, and Hunger
The Certificate in Nutrition, Food, and Hunger is designed to teach participants about the global health challenges and potential solutions relating to nutrition and food accessibility. Participants learn about malnutrition, food distribution, health problems associated with hunger, and other related topics, which are integral to global health.
Certificate in Surgery and Global Health
The Certificate in Surgery and Global Health is designed to teach participants about the global health challenges and topics related to surgery. Participants learn about surgery ethics, emergency care, how to cope with a lack of surgical resources, and more.
Certificate in Global Health & Program Delivery
The Certificate in Global Health & Program Delivery is provided to those who participate in Unite For Sight's Global Impact Corps program, which provides a high-impact service opportunity with an immersive, hands-on global health learning experience in developing countries.