COURSE 11: Lessons Learned in Healthcare Delivery, and Embracing Every Challenge as an Opportunity to Grow Webinar Recording
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Webinar Overview: This webinar was recorded as part of the 2020 Global Health & Innovation Conference. Learn from leading experts about challenges they have faced in healthcare delivery and how to embrace every challenge as an opportunity to grow. Find out how the panelists have overcome obstacles, and lessons they have learned in the field.
Webinar Panelists:
Arachu Castro, Samuel Z. Stone Chair of Public Health in Latin America and Director of the Collaborative Group for Health Equity in Latin America, Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
James Clarke, Ophthalmologist and Medical Director, Crystal Eye Clinic, Ghana; Unite For Sight Ghana Medical Director
Scott Corlew, Global Health Consultant; Lecturer on Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Charles MacCormack, President Emeritus, Save the Children; Senior Fellow, Interaction: The American Council for Voluntary International Action
Chris Underhill, Founder, BasicNeeds; Co-Founder, mhNOW
Moderated by Rachel Turkel, Board Member, Unite For Sight
Please register to receive a link to the recording of the 1-hour webinar: https://slate.uniteforsight.org/register/ghicpanel1recording